Domestic Violence Charges in Irving
Need Legal Defense for Domestic Violence in Irving? Call Us!
Home life isn’t always as smooth as we’d like it to be, but for some people frustrations the flaring tensions can cause emotions to boil over and them to lash out at those closest to them. This can lead to someone committing a violent act against a spouse, child, parent, roommate, partner, significant other, or anyone else who they might be close with. Domestic violence is an unfortunate problem and authorities take these accusations extremely seriously, levying heavy penalties against those who are convicted in court.
When you are accused of domestic violence, you should not hesitate to start mounting an aggressive and effective defense as soon as possible, and that means retaining the assistance of an Irving criminal defense attorney. At J. Roland Jeter, P.C., we know just how devastating domestic violence accusations can be. We recognize that domestic violence often have much more on the line than normal penalties, and we fight to help you preserve your rights and your reputation. Our compassionate and trial-tested attorneys are determined to help you reach the best possible outcome, and we utilize an individually-customized strategy to help you attain this goal.
Get help fighting back against your domestic violence charges; call J. Roland Jeter, P.C. today at (972) 330-4050 and let our team help you stand up to effectively stand up to your accusations, starting with a consultation.
Defending Against False Domestic Violence Allegations
Domestic violence charges are not only some of the most difficult to fight back, but they also have the unfortunate habit of often being falsely levied against a number of people. Vengeful spouses or partners have been known to use domestic violence charges to try to gain the upper hand in child custody and alimony negotiations during a divorce, often with little to no disregard for the person whose life they could be ruining by doing so.
Penalties for domestic violence can include:
- Jail time
- Large fines
- Victim restitution
- Loss of rights to visitation or child custody
- Loss of right to hold certain employment positions
- Loss of right to own a firearm
When you suspect someone close to you may be trying to frame you for domestic violence, there are several things you can do to protect yourself, including changing your communication account passwords, staying where witnesses can attest to your presence, and even keeping careful documentation.
If you’ve been accused of domestic violence, don’t hesitate to reach out to an experienced attorney for help. Contact J. Roland Jeter, P.C. online now to get started with your case!